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Quick Links is now Original and genuine fildena medicine to treat erectile dysfunction from mild to severe. Available in popular formats and dosages. Follow our official FB page to know more on various offers.
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Q1: How can I avail frequent discounts and offers on Fildena products?

Various Fildena products have tied up with many online pharmacy stores who offer many types of discounts to customers.

Q2: What is the correct dosage consumption of Fildena for me?

Fildena is currently available in three various strengths of dosages starting from mild to strong. Fildena 25 should be the starting point for patients who are trying the product for the first time.

Q3: How frequently can I consume Fildena?

Take Fildena on weekly basis to start with. Depending upon your body response and need you can enhance the frequency only after consultation with your physician.

Q4: Can I consume Fildena if I am already consuming other ED drugs?

If you have stopped taking other Erectile Dysfunction, drugs and want to try Fildena then at least give a gap of one week. Avoid combination of Fildena with any other ED drug or mix with anything else for safe and healthier outcomes.

Q5: Can patients with pre-ejaculation also take Fildena and get positive results?

Fildena is a drug for patients suffering from issues of Erectile Dysfunction. Patients having both i.e. erectile dysfunction as well as premature ejaculation can try Super Fildena, as it may work for both the issues positively.

Q6: What should I do if I received a wrong Fildena dosage from a store?

Contact the customer support or help desk of that online pharmacy store. In case they do not replace the wrong dosage then you can even contact us.

Q7: Will Fildena tablets work well for me?

Fildena contains Sildenafil Citrate which is a common ingredient used by other branded drugs for treating Erectile Dysfunction. Fildena has a unique formulation that ensures acceptance from most of the patients. It is very rare that Sildenafil Citrate is found not to be working for erectile dysfunction. You may want to try other dosages if it does not work initially for you.

Q8: Is Fildena available in my country?

Fildena is available in the US and Europe (except few countries) and other parts of the world through strong network of drop shippers.