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This disclaimer governs your entire use of our website; by using our website, you accept this disclaimer completely. If you disagree with any part of this particular disclaimer, you must not use our website further. We may keep revising the disclaimer from time to time. The revised disclaimer will apply to the use of our website from the date of the publication of it on our website.

Fortune Healthcare provides the web site as a service to the patients and online pharmacies. Fortune Healthcare is not responsible for and expressly disclaims all liability for, damages of any kind arising out of various uses, reference to or reliance on any information contained within the site or claimed by anyone on behalf of this website/store. While information contained within the entire site is periodically updated, no guarantee is given that the information provided in this website is completely correct, complete and up-to-date.

Although the Fortune Healthcare's web site may include various that provide direct access to other Internet resources, including web sites, the Fortune Healthcare is not at all responsible for the accuracy of content or information contained in these sites. Links from Fortune Healthcare's website to third-party sites do not constitute an endorsement by the website of parties or their products and services. The entire appearance on web site of advertisements and product or service information does not constitute an endorsement by Fortune Healthcare, and Fortune Healthcare has not investigated the claims made by any advertiser.

License and Intellectual Rights
You may also view downloaded files for caching purposes only and print pages from the website for your own personal use, subject to the restrictions listed below. Unless otherwise stated, we or our licensors own the intellectual property rights in website and material on entire website. Subject to the license below, all these intellectual property rights are completely reserved.

You must not:
  1. Republish material picked up from this website (including republication on another website);
  2. Sell, rent or otherwise sub-license material from our website;
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  4. Reproduce, duplicate, copy or otherwise exploit material on our website for your other commercial purpose;
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  6. Redistribute material from this website; except for content specifically and expressly made available for redistribution like our newsletter

No warranties
The website is provided "as is" without representations or any warranties, express or implied. makes no particular representations or warranties in relation to this website or the information and materials provided here

Without prejudice to the generality of foregoing paragraph, Fortune Healthcare does not warrant:
  • That this website will be constantly available or available at all; or
  • The information on this website is complete, true, accurate or non-misleading
Nothing on this website constitutes or is meant to constitute, various advice of any kind

Limitations of liability
Fortune Healthcare may not be liable to you (whether under law of contact, law of torts or otherwise) in relation to contents of or use of or otherwise in any connection with, this website:
  • To the extent that it provides free-of-charge, for any direct loss;
  • For any indirect, special or consequential loss; or
  • For any business losses, loss of revenue, income, profits or anticipated savings, loss of contracts or business relationships, loss of reputation or goodwill, or loss of corruption of information or various data
These limitations of liability apply even if Fortune Healthcare as it has been expressly advised of the potential loss.

Nothing under this website disclaimer will exclude or limit any warranty that is implied by law, which would be unlawful to exclude or limit; and nothing in this website disclaimer will exclude or limit Fortune Healthcare's liability in respect of any:
  • Death or personal injury that may be caused by Fortune Healthcare negligence;
  • Fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation on various parts of Fortune Healthcare; or
  • Matter which it would be illegal or unlawful for Fortune Healthcare to exclude or limit, or to attempt or purport to exclude, limit its liability

By making use of this website, you agree that the exclusions and limitations of liability set out in this website disclaimer are completely reasonable. If you do not think they are reasonable, you must not make further use of this website

Other parties
You accept that, as a limited liability entity, Fortune Healthcare has complete interest in limiting personal liability of its officers and employees. You agree that you will not bring any claim personally against Fortune Healthcare's officers or employees in respect of losses you may suffer in connection with the website

Without prejudice to foregoing paragraph, you agree that the limitations of warranties and liability set out in website disclaimer that may protect Fortune Healthcare's officers, employees, agents, subsidiaries, successors, assigns and sub-contractors as well as Fortune Healthcare

Unenforceable provisions
In any case of provision of this website disclaimer, or is found to be, unenforceable under applicable law, that will not affect the enforceability of the other provisions of this entire website disclaimer

Law and jurisdiction
This disclaimer will be governed and construed in accordance with law prevailing in company's country of origin and any disputes relating to this disclaimer will be subject to jurisdiction of courts of that country only